Monday, 3 December 2012

Valley Light Parade: Hebden Bridge

A shop window in Hebden Bridge......depicting...... Hebden Bridge

Hebden Bridge has been part of the Calder Valley Lights Parade this year...last week it was held in Todmorden, this week, here in Hebden Bridge and next week it will be in Mytholmroyd.

It has involved children making lanterns in workshops held all over the 3 towns. It has involved market stall holders, canal boat owners,brass bands, drummers, shop keepers, schools, teachers, parents, pupils......and last night, in Hebden Bridge, it seemed to involve everyone who lived within miles of the place.
handmade lanterns adorned the streets
The Christmas lights were turned on, the flame thrower played with fire, the bands marched, the lanterns swung high in the sky, the children laughed and the beautiful canal decorations changed colour in time to the music.

I do love Hebden Bridge




  1. Oh, what fun, Janice! It looks like carnival time in Hebden Bridge, :-)

    1. yes.... Hebden Bridge, Limoux...wherever we go, carnivals happen ! Jx

  2. What a beautiful Christmas display Janice - I love the coloured lights on the canal, and the homemade lanterns.

    1. yes, they were really beautiful.... and for a first venture out at night, post surgery... it was areal treat ! Jx

  3. I love this time of year. Enjoy it!

    1. You cant help but smile at this sort of thing. It's so good when everyone you meet on the street has a big grin on their face. Jx

  4. Love when the Christmas season comes around.....Hebden Bridge looks so pretty and festive at this time of year I'm sure....
    Love the lights on the canal, very colourful....and a wonderful window shop showing a display of Hebden.
    Hope all is well with you and I'm happy you got to venture outside and see the festivities.XX

    1. Thanks Erica (Irene). It was a lovely evening... I'm still smiling. Jx

  5. How utterly beautiful! I'm very fond of Hebden Bridge too and quite envy you living there - for six months of the year. It really has put on a lovely show - just for you! Axxx

    1. It is such an interesting place Annie, there is always something going on, and most people are actually nice to each other here, and seem to want to be involved in making it a good place to live.Jxxx

  6. What a lovely community celebration, Janice, and so glad you were able to enjoy it.

    1. It was lovely Penny, and its good to be feeling a little better each day. Jx

  7. Hebden Bridge looks like a great place to live

    1. Yup... if I cant be in France at the moment, I am very happy to be here ! Jx

  8. We drove down to Mytholmroyd on Sunday & I thought it looked a bit lacking in Christmas lights - now I see that they are waiting for their special light show. I wonder if there were illuminated Morris Dancers?

    1. If you are as close again.... let me know..... it would be lovely to see you. Jx

  9. Janice - these photos are stunning and such joy just leaps out at you. Thinking about you and sending positive vibes constantly.

    Take care - Celia x

  10. Oh absolutely lovely Christmassy photos Janice. Hebden Bridge does indeed look like a great place to live. xxx

  11. What a tug at the heart strings! Thanks for posting, I particularly liked seeing the window display. Such great community spirit.

  12. I can see why you love it! Sheer joy shines from these photographs...
    Hoping to catch up with your blog properly once I return home, but lovely to see you writing again.

    1. thanks Fly, I am just emerging from the fog after chemo session 1, and now have 2 weeks before the next round......and the thought of 2 weeks feeling good is excellent. I hope your trip is proving to be good fun, beneficial for you and your amazing mother. J x

  13. Dear Janice.....Hope all is well with you? Just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New year!!!!!!
    Hope Santa is extra good to you this year.
    Erica XXXX

    1. Thanks Erica, things are good here, in that I'm feeling well between chemo sessions,, although my hair has now started falling out in clumps, just as I was told it would......never mind, I have wigs and scarves ready !
      Thanks for all your lovely supportive messages over the last few weeks, I hope you have a lovely Christmas too. fondest wishes, Janice xxx
